Анаис Хотел Коринос Беацх

Плажа Паралија Катеринис

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Hotel Anais invites you to live an unforgettable time. The Hotel is located right in front of the sea which is an award-winning beach with the Blue Flag. It is suitable for families and couples who want to enjoy their holydays next to the sea. There is a pool available for adults with a separated part for children where you can relax drinking some of our refreshing cocktails from the pool bar. Enjoy your holidays combining the Aegean sea and the mythical mountain Olympus which is 20 minutes away.
Hotel Anais has got 59 rooms and 2 suites that have an amazing sea view. The rooms are modern and recently renovated. They have large balconies with side sea view and Olympus Mountain View.
Our staff is ready to serve you at the pool area and the beach as well. There you can enjoy our refreshing cocktails in front of the pool or just a cold beer under the sun. You can also try our famous club sandwiches and we are sure that you are going to love them. The pool bar has a rooftop where you can taste a good local prize-winning wine under the light of the summer moon.
At our modern designed restaurant our customers have the opportunity to taste fresh fish, plates of the Mediterranean cuisine as well as Greek traditional dishes. The restaurant is located right in front of the pool.

Опрема и погодности:

Постељина и пешкири
Клима уређај
Сателитска ТВ са равним екраном
Пегла и даска за гвожђе (на захтев)
Чишћење собе сваки дан
Breakfast, Half or Full Board (up on request)

Опис екстеријера:

The stuff from the pool bar is willing to serve the guests at the pool area and the organized beach in front of the hotel. There you can have fresh cocktails, cold beers and more other drinks of your choice under the shadow of the palm trees. You can also taste our famous club sandwiches and the delicious burgers and pizzas. In the evenings you will have the opportunity to enjoy one of our exceptional local wines under the light of the summer moon.


Плажа 0 м
Paralia Katerinis 5 km
Супермаркет 50 м
Аеродром 90 км

Опис плаже:

A wide sandy organized beach is coming right in front of the hotel and gives the opportunity to young and adults to enjoy the sun and the sea at the ‘Olympus Riviera’. Anais hotel is the ideal place to have enjoyable and relaxing holidays.

Цена по ноћи:

Двокреветна соба with Breakfast
60€ per night, 01/05 – 10/06 Low Season
100€ per night, 10/06 – 06/07 Middle Season
120€ per night, 06/07 – 22/07 High Season
140€ per night, 22/07 – 22/08 Super High Season
120€ per night, 22/08 – 01/09 High Season
100€ per night, 01/09 – 10/09 Middle Season
60€ per night, 10/09 – 30/09 Low Season
Трокреветна соба with Breakfast
80€ per night, 01/05 – 10/06 Low Season
120€ per night, 10/06 – 06/07 Middle Season
140€ per night, 06/07 – 22/07 High Season
160€ по ноћи, 22/07 – 22/08 Супер висока сезона
140€ per night, 22/08 – 01/09 High Season
120€ per night, 01/09 – 10/09 Middle Season
80€ per night, 10/09 – 30/09 Low Season

All taxes and services are included in the price except 

5€ per night Climate Crisis Resilience Fee

Услови резервације и плаћања:

За резервацију смештаја потребан је депозит од 351ТП3Т
Потпуна уплата је потребна при пријави
Deposit is refundable before 60 days till your arrival and non-refundable after 59 days till your arrival.
Долазак – 15:30 часова, одлазак – 10:30 часова
Овај објекат не захтева депозит за случај штете током пријаве
Међутим, одјава се може завршити тек након прегледа општег стања куће
Објекат је погодан за мале кућне љубимце и мора се потврдити током резервације (потребне су додатне накнаде за чишћење и депозит за штету)

На захтев

+380 97 907 6151
+380 96 533 1122

Anais Hotel Korinos Beach on the map:


Hotel transfer typically involves the transportation to or from the hotel, often between the airport or train and the hotel.

Ауто за изнајмљивање

Изнајмљивање аутомобила се односи на процес изнајмљивања возила, обично на привремени период, за личну или пословну употребу.

Крстарење и јахте

Доживите врхунски луксуз и авантуру на отвореном мору уз наша врхунска крстарења и изнајмљивање јахти.


Уроните у свет чуда и истражите дубине океана уз наша узбудљива ронилачка искуства.
