Атхрион Боутикуе Хотел Криопиги 4*

Плажа Халкидики Криопиги

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Athrion Boutique Hotel Kriopigi 4* is located in a beautiful area next to the most organized beach in the area, close to the village of Kriopigi in the heart of the peninsula of Kassandra in Сhalkidiki, just 400 meters from sandy secluded beach.

The hotel is composed of 23 rooms (10 four-bedded Family rooms, 10 Triple rooms and 2 Double rooms and Family apartment). All of the rooms have their private balcony and WC facilities, A/C, T.V, fridge, and hair drier. Also there is a big pool, a pool bar and a restaurant at the grounds. Wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) is provided.

Опрема и погодности

Standard Triple Room

All air-conditioned 23 m2 triple rooms are located on the ground floor and equipped with a fridge and a comfortable bathroom with shower, double bed and single bed. All the rooms have verandas.Triple rooms can accommodate up to 3 people.


Famiy Room with balcony

All air-conditioned 25 m2 superior family rooms have two levels. They are equipped with a fridge and a comfortable bathroom with shower, double bed and 2 single beds in a loft at the upper level. All the rooms have balconies with garden view. Rooms can accommodate up to 4 people.

Опис екстеријера:

The hotel is located close to the village of Kriopigi in the heart of the peninsula of Kassandra in Сhalkidiki, just 400 meters from sandy secluded beach.


Beach 900 m
Центар села 400 м
Таверна 500 м
Аеродром 100 км

Опис плаже:

The beach in Kriopogi is sandy
There are taverns and beach bars on the beach not far from the hotel
Usually some of them offer umbrella on the beach when you order drinks

Цена по ноћи:

Double Room with Breakfast
70€ по ноћи, 01/05 – 25/06
100€ per night, 25/06 – 15/07
150€ per night, 15/07 – 01/09
100€ per night, 01/09 – 12/09
70€ per night, 12/09 – 30/09
Triple Room with Breakfast
90€ по ноћи, 01/05 – 25/06
120€ per night, 25/06 – 15/07
170€ per night, 15/07 – 01/09
120€ per night, 01/09 – 12/09
90€ per night, 12/09 – 30/09
Family Room with Breakfast
110€ по ноћи, 01/05 – 25/06
140€ per night, 25/06 – 15/07
190€ per night, 15/07 – 01/09
140€ per night, 01/09 – 12/09
110€ per night, 12/09 – 30/09

All taxes and services are included, except
5€ per night Climate Crisis Resilience Fee

Услови резервације и плаћања:

За резервацију смештаја потребан је депозит од 351ТП3Т
Потпуна уплата је потребна при пријави
Deposit is refundable before 60 days till your arrival and non-refundable after 59 days till your arrival.
Долазак – 15:30 часова, одлазак – 10:30 часова
Овај објекат не захтева депозит за случај штете током пријаве
Међутим, одјава се може завршити тек након прегледа општег стања куће
Објекат је погодан за мале кућне љубимце и мора се потврдити током резервације (потребне су додатне накнаде за чишћење и депозит за штету)

На захтев

+380 97 907 6151
+380 96 533 1122

Athrion Boutique Hotel Kriopigi 4* on the map:


Hotel transfer typically involves the transportation to or from the hotel, often between the airport or train and the hotel.

Ауто за изнајмљивање

Изнајмљивање аутомобила се односи на процес изнајмљивања возила, обично на привремени период, за личну или пословну употребу.

Крстарење и јахте

Доживите врхунски луксуз и авантуру на отвореном мору уз наша врхунска крстарења и изнајмљивање јахти.


Уроните у свет чуда и истражите дубине океана уз наша узбудљива ронилачка искуства.
