
Филокениа Хотел

Лоутра Позар

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Више фотографија


Located in Kato Loutraki, 900m from Loutra Pozar, Filoxenia Pozar Resort provides accommodation with a garden, free private parking, a shared lounge and a terrace. Guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant or a drink at the bar and free WiFi is available throughout the property.
Every room is equipped with air conditioning, and certain rooms at the hotel have a balcony.
Guests at Filoxenia Pozar Resort can enjoy a buffet breakfast.

Опрема и погодности:

Постељина и пешкири
Клима уређај
Телевизор са равним екраном
Пегла и даска за гвожђе (на захтев)
Чишћење собе свака 3 дана

Опис екстеријера:

Приватна башта
Parking spaces available for the guests of the hotel


Loutra 900
Село 100 м
Taverna Restaurant 150 m
Airport 80 km

Опис плаже:

The hot springs of Pozar are a natural spring of hot water among huge trees with a stream that descends into the gorge creating a hard sound of water and steam in the air. The resort facilities are a small spa with hotels, restaurants, swimming pools and locker rooms, offering guests a quality service.
Pozar hot springs are at an altitude of 390 meters and are created by rain water, which penetrates deep into the ground, where is heated and then gradually rises higher and gets enriched with minerals and other elements. The water has a constant temperature of 37 °C and has healing properties against rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, kidney diseases, skin diseases, gynecological problems and diseases of the circulatory system.
In Pozar you can enjoy the water by specially formed swimming pools or in one of the baths. The large outdoor pool is ideal for diving during both winter and summer. There are two spas with 48 individual baths, 2 indoor pools and 2 individual steam rooms with capacity of 6 persons. Since 2005, a new spa operates with 6 individual pools and artificial waterfalls.
Pozar is a destination for those who want to combine contact with nature, relaxation and the benefits of hydrotherapy. It is no coincidence that more and more people embrace the belief that 10 baths per year give strength to the body.

Цена по ноћи:

Двокреветна соба with Breakfast
70€ per night
Трокреветна соба with Breakfast
110€ per night

All taxes and services are included, except
5€ per night Climate Crisis Resilience Fee

Услови резервације и плаћања:

За резервацију смештаја потребан је депозит од 351ТП3Т
Потпуна уплата је потребна при пријави
Deposit is refundable before 60 days till your arrival and non-refundable after 59 days till your arrival.
Долазак – 15:30 часова, одлазак – 10:30 часова
Овај објекат не захтева депозит за случај штете током пријаве
Међутим, одјава се може завршити тек након прегледа општег стања куће
Објекат је погодан за мале кућне љубимце и мора се потврдити током резервације (потребне су додатне накнаде за чишћење и депозит за штету)

На захтев

+380 97 907 6151
+380 96 533 1122

Filoxenia Hotel on the map:


Hotel transfer typically involves the transportation to or from the hotel, often between the airport or train and the hotel.

Ауто за изнајмљивање

Изнајмљивање аутомобила се односи на процес изнајмљивања возила, обично на привремени период, за личну или пословну употребу.

Крстарење и јахте

Доживите врхунски луксуз и авантуру на отвореном мору уз наша врхунска крстарења и изнајмљивање јахти.


Уроните у свет чуда и истражите дубине океана уз наша узбудљива ронилачка искуства.
